School Diary

Trips and tours

Field trips and educational excursions are an integral part of the out-of-school learning experience at the BK Birla Centre for Education. These trips are organized throughout the academic year to provide students with practical learning experiences outside the classroom.

The school arranges an annual seven-day educational excursion to different destinations (both domestic and international), with students divided into groups based on their classes. Prior to the trip, a detailed itinerary is prepared and shared with parents. The destinations for these trips are carefully selected to provide students with exposure to historical, geographical, and industrial sites. During these excursions, students participate in seminars, quizzes, projects, and presentations, which are then graded as part of their assessment. In addition to the annual excursion, students also visit places such as amusement parks, planetariums, trekking trails, and historical forts on a regular basis. These visits are aimed at broadening students' perspectives and helping them reduce stress. Accompanied by teachers who act as guides, students gain valuable insights into the places they visit.