As is the custom in Indian schools, we at BKBCE provide students with uniforms to promote equality and unity among peers. Students have 3 different uniforms to be worn at different times of the day- the school uniform with the classic white collared shirt and grey formal pants along with grey socks and a tie, the sports uniform with a stylish Birlite shirt, or the coloured House t-shirts along with the school or civilian shorts, and the Prep uniform with a comfortable Blue collared shirt and black trousers for juniors, and a grey shirt with jeans for seniors. On Sundays and in their free time, students wear clothes as they please.

Formal uniform: White shirt, grey trousers, grey and blue stripe tie, grey socks and black shoes, blue sweater [during winters].
Sports uniform: House t-shirt, black half pants, house socks and sports shoes.
Dinner uniform: Blue shirt, black pants, black socks and black shoes.

Classes IV – X
Formal uniform: White shirt, grey trousers, yellow and blue striped tie, grey socks and black shoes, Hoodie and Blazer [during winters].

Class XI & XII
Formal uniform: White shirt, dark blue trousers, yellow and blue striped tie, grey socks and black shoes, Blazer [during winters].

Sports uniform: House t-shirt, black shorts, house socks and sports shoes.

Dinner and evening prep uniform: Blue shirt, black pants, black socks and black shoes.

Every Saturday, students participate in a hobby club activity and for this, they have to wear their track- pants, house socks, and sports shoes. They are free to wear the civil dress for Saturday evenings.